LovExchange...Spark the Love

Here's Your 21 Day Plan for a happier, more loving marriage.

The spark your marriage needs begins with LOVEXCHANGE, an exciting and effective 21 day experience to quickly renew the love and passion in your marriage. Get started NOW for:





I bet you've tried everything you can think of...

Giving gentle reminders and subtle hints about how you'd appreciate a little more romance and a little compliment every now and again? You want to feel wined and dined. You want to know that you matter and are still the most beautiful girl in the world to him. He should know this already, but you find yourself constantly trying to pull it out of him, with very little results.

Nicely asking for him to do his part to help out more around the house and to share the responsibilities of taking care of your children? You can't remember the last time he washed a dish, cooked an egg, or even folded a hand towel. And it seems like you are a single parent with another adult child in the house who doesn't do much to make your life easier.

Giving direct instructions and specific details for how he can meet your expectations and do more to make you feel appreciated? But why should you even have to say anything?! Isn't it obvious what he should be doing? You shouldn't have to spend the time spelling everything out to him. And is it too much to ask for a "thank you" for all the ways you do for him and your family? It's like he takes everything you do for granted.

Casually suggesting that you would like to have more quality time and more of his effort to show that you are a top priority? Some days it seems like everything else is more important than you. Especially work. And then there's watching television. Would it kill him to come home a little early or ask you to join him on the couch to watch something you both would enjoy? Apparently yes, because it hasn't happened.

Demanding and insisting that things change for the better before things get really bad? You feel like a broken record. Why won't he just do his part to make things better? You've asked for a date night and for some reason he just hasn't planned one. Your lives are soo busy, but you know that time together is critical. And it's like it doesn't even cross his mind. It takes two to make a marriage work, and right now, it feels like you are doing this thing solo.

Praying that God would change his heart and help him become a husband that truly makes you happy? You know that God can do anything. You've prayed so much for your marriage, but nothing has changed. You believe God hears you, but your patience is starting to wear out. Your heart is broken and you need God to fix this situation. Like now.

Begging and pleading with him to talk more and share what's on his mind so you can have more open and honest communication? You are so tired of getting the cold shoulder whenever you want to have meaningful conversation. Sometimes it feels like you are talking to yourself. Communication is the key to everything. Yet you can't get him to open up and really talk to you. So then you shut down and your communication suffers.

Criticizing, complaining and nagging him daily about the things he should be doing more of? The list of things he should be doing differently is soooo long. And you're not even asking for that much. Just some common courtesy, to consider your feelings and needs, to act like you guys are a team and there to help each other out. Any man should be able to do that. But for some reason he hasn't been able to for any length of time.

I know. You've tried all of this and then some. But nothing has really worked for any significant period of you stop!

But really, on the inside, you are still that same woman wanting his love and affection.

You still have so much love for him, and wonder how things have now sort of fizzled out.  

Deep inside, you want to look at him and have a smile on your face. You want your heart to race with excitment when he calls you during the day.

You just need to know what to do to get that passion and excitment back.  

And that's EXACTLY where LovExchange can help.

  • Master the mindset skills every wife needs in order to have a marriage so happy and fulfilling you can't stop smiling and being grateful for the love you have with your husband 
  • Overcome the disappointment and resentment that keeps you from experiencing true happiness and being able to see the little things that are going right 
  • Develop the specific habits that will draw your husband closer to you instead of pushing him away and causing him to shut down 
  • Experience a stronger bond and create deep intimacy you can feel through purposeful actions that help strengthen the connection to your husband in fun and simple ways 
  • Learn a new way of thinking and responding so that you are proud of the way you handle things that don't go the way you would like
  • Develop a positive marriage mindset where your relationship brings you endless joy and is a constant source of pride instead of stress and disappointment 
  • Learn the right approach to motivate your husband to do more and put your needs and desires above his own 
  • Become the best you can be as happy, loving and devoted wife who is adored by her husband

Inside this program you will receive:

  • Daily Motivation via encouraging mini lessons and audio recordings that will inspire you to start your day with a positive outlook that empowers you to create what you've been dreaming of in your marriage  
  • Empowering Question Prompts that day-by-day, will transform your thinking and help you to set your mind in the right direction to receive the love and affection you so greatly desire 
  • Love-sparking Challenges that provide quick and simple ways for you to connect with your husband in new and meaningful ways that leave you feeling closer and more in sync with each other
  • Mindshifting Gratitude Exercises to keep you positively focused every day on what's working so you can create more positive interactions with your husband
  • Support and Community with like-minded women who are also enrolled in LovExchange and putting the passion back into their own marriages 

Don't let another day of feeling bored and lonely in your marriage pass you by. You deserve to feel happy and excited each day you spend with your husband.  

And it can all start today.


JUST $47

(Normally $97)

"Just want to say that this was an amazing experience. As a mom to 1 and a step mom to 2, I didn’t know that I would have time to work on my marriage. You made this experience effective and easy to do. Thank you again for making this amazing program.

- Maela, Married 2 years 

"This program helped me to have motivation to keep being a positive wife even at times when I don’t want to. I remember, one day, he was kind of surprised... wondering why I was just saying these things to him. He is probably so used to me complaining and being overwhelmed that I tend to forget to try to find something positive out of our marriage. Then for my birthday he bought me a card that said, "I know sometimes it seems I take for granted all you do for me, and I forget to say the little things you deserve to hear- but today, I want you to know not a moment goes by that you're not first in my heart, because I love you so much." I cried when I read it..."

- Lachelle, Married 6 years 

Love exchange gave me an opportunity to revisit the reasons why I feel in love with my hubby and then it gave me the chance to see and strengthen qualities that I thought we had lost. I'm thankful to Chavonne for this awesome opportunity! One thing is for sure, I'm in love all over again! xoxo

- Shauntele, Married 5 years 

How do I access the program? 

This is a virtual program, meaning, you will receive materials electronically and can go at your own pace. 

When you sign up today, you will receive a Welcome Email that will provide you with all the program details. Each day thereafter, over the course of 21 days, you’ll receive all program materials in your email inbox.

In addition, you will receive an invitation to join the exclusive LovExchange Community of like-minded women who are enrolled in he program. This is a private group on Facebook where the information does not appear on your newsfeed.

You’ll have lifetime access to the program, so will always have access to th content and the commuinity. You can go through the mini-lessons as many times as you would like.

Will this really help me? What results should I expect? 

Like with anything, you will get out of this program what you put into it. If you give your focused attention and intentional effort, you will see things change for the better in your marriage. The questions, exercises and challenge activities all use proven methods to help couples reconnect, rebuild bonds that have been broken and open up the lines of communication. 

If you have an open mind and follow the program closely, you should expect to feel better about your relationship with your husband, you should experience your marriage as a source of love and happiness in your life, you should have a more positive outlook on issues and be able to come up with more creative solutions to those issues, you should become a happier, more patient, understanding and kind wife, who is able to receive more love, affection and appreciation from your husband.

What about my husband? Does he need to participate? 

LovExchange is designed for you but will benefit your husband and overall marriage. The materials, content and questions are designed to create a specific type of experience for women. 

However, there are exercises and activities that will involve your husband. These can be completed with or without him knowing you have actually signed up for a program. You’ll have the chance to initiate conversations or actions that he can respond to without him needing to officially be part of the program. 

At the same time, if you would LIKE for your husband to play more of an active role in this program, that option is also available and where it makes sense, he can participate in a more direct way.

How much time will this take? I'm already so busy! 

The mini-lessons will take you less than 10 minutes a day and will be well worth every second!! The other daily activities, challenges and exercises can all be completed within 10-15 minutes. You can be as active in th Facebook group as you choose.

So essentially, we’re talking about less than 20 minutes a day of your focused attention and intentional effort. The material in this program is power-packed and with just a few minutes a day, you really can turn your marriage into one that’s much more loving and happier.

What if the program just doesn't work for me? Can I get my money back? 

I’m so confident this program will help you to improve your marriage, I’m offering 100% money-back guarantee. Get started today and try it for yourself! 

If you’ve truly given it your best try and find that there is absolutely nothing different in your marriage, I’d be more than happy to issue a refund. You can withdraw from the program within 14 days and get 100% of your money back. Just email me at and I’ll process your refund right away.

What if I have other questions not answered here? 

Feel free to contact me directly! I’m at